The Self-Calibrating Workout on JARVIS smart trainer is a type of workout studied by MagneticDays, in collaboration with the University of Verona, that can be used as a “guideline” in case you do not have the support of an MD Coach (different from the HTT – High Tech Training methodology), which, to date, represents the top possible scientific personalization of a training carried out on any type of smart trainers currently on the market, and with the supervision of a Coach. Specifically, Self-Calibrating Workout represents a series of protocols designed to allow the user/athlete to perform a good workout when the optimal conditions for doing so are lacking. Here’s what Simone Buracchi, head of the MD technical area, had to say.
Self-Calibrating MD Workout: why and when to use it
Self-Calibrating Workout is the most effective training that can be done – if done well – without the presence of a Coach. Normally, when performing an incremental test, the MD Coach observes the results and accurately identifies the frequency threshold values, with the aim of setting the first cycle of tailor-made workouts. On the other hand, with Self-Calibrating Workout, the Coach cannot personally verify what the user/athlete has done, and the protocol we studied in collaboration with the University of Verona comes into play. We evaluated the individual incremental tests by observing where the threshold was placed on average with respect to the last step performed according to the protocol used. In the case of the 1:6 protocol (1 watt every 6 seconds) the threshold fell on average around 82% – 80% of the last work step completed, while in the 1:3 protocol (1 watt every 3 seconds) the threshold fell on average around 76% – 74% of the last work step completed.
The only “scientific” aspect taken into consideration for the drafting of the self-calibrating protocol (i.e. the data as close as possible to reality), is to understand how much, at a statistical level, the threshold is set with respect to the type of protocol used, without having a Coach. This type of training, performed with this criterion and specific for the required methods, is used to evaluate the condition of the user/athlete at a precise moment. While our classic incremental test is performed after 25/30 minutes from having performed an adequate warm-up first and some exercises after, the self-calibrating workout is performed at the beginning of the training (protocol 1:3, 1 watt every 3 seconds) right after a short warm-up phase. Nonetheless, I’d like to remind everybody that behind the infinite possibilities offered by the JARVIS indoor training system there is always and in any case knowledge. This tool can do anything, and does everything the coach tells it to do. With this concept in mind, we structured the self-calibrating workout by telling the instrument, once the user/athlete finishes the test, to analyze the last work step completed by subtracting a previously estimated X value. Consequently the second part of the exercise is structured automatically on the basis of the values calculated at that precise moment. It goes without saying that, for greater accuracy, the support of an MD Coach is always recommended. However, we believe that this way we can provide accurate data with the aim of delivering a test that is appropriate at the precise moment in which it is used.
How is an MD Self-Calibrating Workout structured?
The first part of the self-calibrating workout consists of the incremental test (warm-up + 1:3 protocol). With this type of protocol (1 watt every 3 seconds), which lasts less than the classic 1:6, the user/athlete feels more fatigue but for a shorter time. The test is certainly shorter in terms of duration but with a wider gap regarding the rounding of the data. The second part, on the other hand, consists of the workout that the instrument processes with the values based on the incremental test just performed.
In which cases is Self-Calibrating Workout on MD smart trainers recommended?
We normally recommend it anytime you don’t feel 100% of your normal psychophysical condition. That is to say, if you feel intensely fatigued and a particular workout assigned by your MD Coach (who deems you in suitable conditions to carry it out) requires too big an effort, the self-calibrating workout option comes into play with the aim of providing an assessment of the user’s/athlete’s state of fitness at that moment. So feel free to do this workout whenever you feel that your condition is not at its best. This is an effective training, but keep in consideration that the actual calculation of the threshold value is always better than an estimated one.
The mission of POR CREO 2014-2020 – sponsored by the Region of Tuscany, the Regional Operational Program (ROP) of the European Regional Development Fund – is to contribute to the implementation of European Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion.
MagneticDays has been selected to participate in this project, with its biomedical project named Bio MagneticDays – developed in R.T.I. (Temporary grouping of companies). The goal is to bring a five-year experience in the world of indoor training for cycling through the use of the one and only indoor training system based on a scientific approach in the field of medical rehabilitation.
“Our goal – said the CEO of MagneticDays – is to improve what is already on the market by developing technological models suitable for use in the field of medical rehabilitation, through the trial of two prototypes of indoor training systems in water. We are very proud and honored that the high quality of MagneticDays – which has always distinguished itself from the research, experimentation and innovation point of view – has also been recognized at the European level.”
The Bio MagneticDays Project
The project is the result of a partnership amongst companies from different trades (precision mechanics, aerospace and railway mechanics, electronics and medicine) with the active collaboration of two important Italian Universities: University of Pisa – Faculty of Medicine and Department of Cardiology (incremental test protocols, collection of data and its scientific validation), and University of Verona – Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Science of Exercise (rehabilitation).
Bio MagneticDays Project is the result of experience and enthusiasm of many users and people who believe in a unique indoor cycling training system based on a scientific approach, and who understand that this approach can be expanded in areas other than sports.
Heart patients, diabetics, traumatized patients and obese persons, are just some of the subjects interested in exploiting the full potential of an indoor training system like MD that allows you to control the pedaling movement accurately, in order of 0.5 Newton.
The highest technology in the simplest gesture in the world
“The Bio MagneticDays Project will see the JARVIS become an instrument able to satisfy both the needs of scientific research and medical rehabilitation – MD CEO Marco Sbragi said – starting from the study of water mechanics, and implementing prototypes which are being tested by our company.”
The highest technology in the simplest gesture in the world – as the pedaling movement – and all the best strategies to obtain a targeted outcome. This is a revolution and innovation for our company (like the one started a few years ago with the launch of a new innovative product for cycling – the JARVIS) that looks with enthusiasm and expertise at the world of medical rehabilitation. And this is just the beginning, an amazing research and experimentation opportunity, thanks to the POR CREO by the Tuscany Region.
Joule incremental test by MagneticDays represents a new version of Conconi test, that intended to measure an individual’s maximum anaerobic and aerobic threshold heart rates. The test measures a person’s heart rates at different loads (e.g. faster speeds on a treadmill). The points are plotted on a graph with heart rate on one axis and power (or some correlated measurement such as running speed) on the other axis; the graph’s deflection point indicates the aerobic threshold. The heart rate increases (approximately) linearly up to the deflection point, where the heart rate reaches AT (also known as LT, lactate threshold, in more modern nomenclature). The test continues for a while, under increasing load, until the subject has gone well past the anaerobic threshold.
And the same thing happens in the Joule incremental test by MagneticDays. Currently, our incremental test protocol (made in collaboration with a few Italian Universities) starts from a value in the amount of 50% of own reference value. MD System improves the Power of 1 Watt per 6 seconds with RPM free. This test ends when the user/athlete has reached maximum effort and therefore cannot proceed further with the test. However, this protocol entails a work that grows step by step, considering that the Power data and time are unvaried.
Joule incremental test: the protocol by MagneticDays
The new incremental protocol (we are the one and only to make it) was realized and based on the previous protocol, with the goal to show overlapping data values. The most important difference lies in the workout, expressed in Joule (and agreed upon with the MD Coach), and fact that the it is kept constant during the test. Therefore, we have choosed a value in the amount of 2700 Joule as “indicative value” that represents in general the most common phisyological condition for the users/athletes. Every step of each workout improves the Power of 2 Watt.
EXAMPLE: 150 Watt for 18 seconds, 300 Watt for 9 seconds
The Joule value is kept constant, whereas is the value of time to adapt to keep Joule constant, so with a variation in terms of time we have a variation in terms of Watt (expressed). If the Watt value increase, less time is necessary to keep the workout to that value, and balance the same result in Joule. Considering that the Watt value is not fixed (the incremental test protocol is based on an increase of the Watt value), Time is the value that must change.
Joule incremental test will be a variable test and JARVIS will control all the workout automatically, increasing the Watt value gradually and reducing the exposure time to that value, in order to balance the same result in Joule. In the Joule test (real Conconi) the workout don’t change during the time and every step at high wattage of each workout has a lower exposure (in terms of time) compared with the precedents.
During the last months we wanted to tell you about the evolution of a product that is grown during the last first five years, through reproducible results that were tested by all those who have chosen MagneticDays for their physical and mental wellness! As we often like to say, during the times where people drives sports cars, we have offered a plan. And we realize that we are pioneers of a new training philosophy, so we really feel proud and responsible at the same time. Here’s the 6 Pillars of MagneticDays Training Philosophy.
Chapter 1 – it’s all about Physics
Our adventure started five years ago – when we wanted to understand in more depth what was the physical environment in which we could to be able to work with our indoor training system – also thanks to the help of the considerations made in collaboration with a physicist of the University of Pisa (Tuscany). We have determined that we are always in a phiysical condition of FLAT TERRAIN IN THE ABSENCE OF WIND.
Chapter 2 – the evolution of cycling simulator
Considering that we are always in a phiysical condition of FLAT TERRAIN IN THE ABSENCE OF WIND, we have had the intuition to transform this training system into a true “cycling lab” with which improve the physical and mental wellness and cycling performance for each user. There was an evolution of the concept of cycling simulator as it was known until a few years ago, considering that this concept did not improved the quality of training from the physical point of view and having at our disposal all the parameters of the user/athlete that are clear and measurable by a scientific approach.
Chapter 3 – how to increase Bike Power
Having the right data at our disposal (always the same and measurable), the new challenge by MagneticDays was to separate the “Power data” in its two fundamental components: RPM (Revolution Per Minute) and Force (Newton Per Meters), influencing the physical characteristics of the athletes. The same values of Watt can be produced in different ways in terms of RPM and Newton.
Chapter 4 – incremental exercise test is the way
The HTT Methodology represent the most scientific built training programs that are currently possible and it starts with the incremental exercise test. Everything is based on a first briefing session with a MD Coach, where the user/client defines own goals. Second step is the start of evaluation of athletic training form and third step is represented by the first 6 built training programs (duration: 60 minutes for each) that are different from each other. The last part of these programs includes additional parameters that allow to create next workouts. Our incremental test protocol (made in collaboration with a few Italian Universities) starts from a value in the amount of 50% of own reference value. MD System improves the Power of 1 Watt per 6 seconds with RPM free. This test ends when the user/athlete has reached maximum effort and therefore cannot proceed further with the test. The last part of workout No 6 is represented by this test that allows to understand the efficacy of the previous workouts and their effects on physiological values of the athlete, giving informations (and new data) to MD Coach in order to write new built (and calibrated) training programs
Chapter 5 – Time Trial Newton test and Offset
Here we go into the heart of MagneticDays Training Philosophy. When the MD Coach realizes how the user/athlete rides, he can plan a CRITICAL POWER TEST. In other words “you are what you can do”. This test is like a time trial race (duration: 30 minutes) that is configurated by MD Coach (through a mileage calculated on the basis of the incremental test data). Duting this time trial race, the user/athlete will have at his disposal the use of one optical remote control (electronic gear) that will allow to work with changes of applied force in terms of 0,5 Newton (10 times more precise than a classic gear), with the goal to give prominence to own ideal physiological conditions for the effort. At the end of the test, the average between Newton and RPM will show who the user/athlete is in that moment.
Chapter 6 – indoor training has never been so fun
The last chapter of MagneticDays Training Philosophy completes a scientific and human path of learning and knowledge that brings the MD Coach to have a real overview of the situation about characteristics and physiological values for each user/athlete who, in the meantime, has established with the MD Coach a true friendship. Knowing the characteristics and physiological values for each user/athlete (Watt, Newton and RPM), the MD Coach will be create new specific workouts with the goal to meth, also thanks to the myriad of possibilities offered by MagneticDays.
We hope to have been able to tell you the concepts that represent the pillars of a new approach to training. We will also create a video tutorials soon that will show these concepts.
Thanks so much.
The MagneticDays Team
This is the last chapter of MagneticDays Training Philosophy that completes a scientific and human path of learning and knowledge that brings the MD Coach to have a real overview of the situation about characteristics and physiological values for each user/athlete who, in the meantime, has established with the MD Coach a true friendship. And there’s always a “bilateral connection”: MD Coach has to understand the needs of the user/athlete (sharing with him fears, dreams and hopes), and user/athlete need to trust with confidence in the hands of the Coach, who represents with his work the real added value to the product.
The best starts now
Knowing the characteristics and physiological values for each user/athlete (Watt, Newton and RPM), the MD Coach will be create new specific workouts with the goal to meth, also thanks to the myriad of possibilities offered by MagneticDays.
Benefits of Indoor Training to the Cardiovascular System
Cadence optimization and the consequent improvement in terms of rhythm, will affect on the Cardiovascular System through the improvement of the oxygen exchanges at lung tissue and pulmonary blood vessels level. This condition represents the only real “fuel” of the human body.
Exciting and fun indoor training.. forever!
Among the many ways to improve Power and Cadence optimization, the Time Trial Newton is the funniest one. The work of MD Coach starts from the last incremental test that has done (Newton test and Offset) by the user/athlete, who will repeat again Newton test inserting in the workout the cadence to be maintained in the various segments. In this case, quality of workout and fun are the same thing, because the user/athlete has the sense of “never give up” in any segment of workout. All the HTT Methodology includes fun workouts but in this case the user/athlete clearly perceives the sensation of riding on a “real-like” route, with a physical and mental effort greater than reality, considering the cadence required to improve own characteristics.
Andrea Gabba is one of the most important Italian Triathlon Coach with a great experience at international level. Dedication, passion, working method and results are the fundamentals of his training phylosophy, because quality is the only way to obtain great results.
Palmarès of Andrea Gabba
Andrea Gabba is a young Coach with a fantastic palmarès: he is currently working as Coach of Italian Triathlon National Team Under 23. He coached two times the Italian Triathlon National Team at the Olympics Games (2004 and 2008) and he was the technical manager of Turkish National Team from 2013 to 2016 (getting the World Championship and European Olympics Games qualifications). Furhermore, Andrea was an Ironman also!
Hi Andrea! What does triathlon mean for you?
Triathlon, like my family, is my life, job and passion (I started in 1992 in Montecarlo) and for me and my wife Nadia Cortassa (5th place at Olympic Games – Athens 2004 and 2006 World Champion in team competition) triathlon is a lifestyle in terms of healthy values that we try to teach to our sons and athletes day by day. Triathlon means coordination, optimization, concentration, respect, love for nature, pay attention to itself and other people.

Swim, bike, run. Tre disciplines completely different that they become one. What is your approach to training in professional athlete and amateur respectively?
Regarding the professional triathlete I define the limits and contents and built tailor-made training programs for him. On the contrary, amateur has a life completely different as compared to a pro athlete: family, job and friendly relations are his priorities. He talks with me about time, goals and availability, and I must prepare the best possible built training program, in order to obtain the best results. Professional triathlete makes itself available wherease I make myself available for amateur. In any case, the goal is the same: optimize work for better performance.
Quality is a must for you. Whats is the role of Indoor Training in your planning? And how do you consider MagneticDays in your training plans?
Time optimization is the key for both professional triathlete and amateur. I have always considered indoor training as a must in my training plan during whole the year (I worked indoor only in the winter until recently). Fortunately, since I work with MagneticDays (the first Indoor Training System based on a scientific approach) I was able to convert my ideas into reality, offering high quality built training to my athletes during spring and summer also (at least twice a week), because there are specific workouts that are more efficient if done with this training system if compared to others on the road.
Bike strong to run strong. In terms of results, how MagneticDays affects the performance of your athletes?
MagneticDays is “more than a smart trainer” and my athletes have obtained great results. Each workout is planned in 3 phases on the base of specific physiological values of the athletes, so I can prepare the best possible training in order to reach our goals. Furthermore, MagneticDays is “no shortcuts”, because we can work with Newton and RPM that can be controlled from beginning to end.
I am very much satisfied of MagneticDays because there are two great possibilities: create your personal workout (I invented a specific training for triathlon) or “pedal” on JARVIS System the most famous cycle route in the world (or your personal cycle route) as .tcx or .gpx file imported on your personal profile on
MagneticDays allows me to simulate any bike race course, setting the personal values of Watt for each athlete. So, I can work specifically on all of the race segments (start, jerks, race pace and more), obtaining great results. I work currently with international Pro athletes and MagneticDays is one of my personal fundamental points..
Here’s the advice by Coach Andrea Gabba
My personal advice for all triathletes is: “MagneticDays allows you to optimize your time and training in the best way, giving you the chance to improve yourself under each point of view.. if you try it, you love it.”
In the last four articles about the MagneticDays Training Philosophy we have talked about our main strengths. In this fifth and penultimate article we go into the heart of philosophy.
Critical Power Test: you are what you can do
When the MD Coach realizes how the user/athlete rides, he can plan a CRITICAL POWER TEST. In other words “you are what you can do”. This test is like a time trial race (duration: 30 minutes) that is configurated by MD Coach (through a mileage calculated on the basis of the incremental test data) in order to improve the athlete’s concentration completely. During this time trial race, the user/athlete will have at his disposal the use of one optical remote control (electronic gear) that will allow to work with changes of applied force in terms of 0,5 Newton (10 times more precise than a classic gear), with the goal to give prominence to own ideal physiological conditions for the effort. At the end of the test, the average between Newton and RPM will show who the user/athlete is in that moment.
Offset Newton: what does it mean
Test No 2 (after that just explained) will be a new time trial where the user/athlete will can not use the electronic gear. The MD Coach, on the basis of the previous incremental test data, will insert segments with “different values of Newton” in the workout, as compared to the previous average of the user/athlete (Newton Offset), who will respond only through a change of his cadence. Considering that the variation of 1 Newton is equal to a theoretical balance of 3 RPM (MD cycling lab), working with a value of 28 Newton and 85 RPM as average of the user/athlete, we could hypothesize a test/workout like one shown below.
Considering that the variation of 1 Newton is equal to a slope variation of 2%, we can talk about of “training for climb” (even if we work in a phiysical condition of flat terrain in the absence of wind always) but not of generic simulation, because this workout is 100% focused on the specific parameters for each user/athlete. We could talk about muscle tension caused by cadence rather than climb, getting closer to reality. Clearly the workout can be theoretical (created by the MD Coach through the Offset) or real (downloaded as .tcx or .gpx files), with the respective conversion of the real slopes in Offset Newton. Once test is completed, the MD Coach can check the effective balance of the user/athlete in terms of Watt and RPM showed in the various segments of the workout, having at his disposal a detailed overview of the user/athlete’s physical conditions that originate from the variations of RPM applied by the user/athlete in reality, as compared to the theoretical variations.
Time Trial Newton: more than an incremental test
From the data shown in the table above, you can observe that the user/athlete is a little bit not balanced in the use of Power. In the steps No 2, 4 and 6 of increase of Newton, the user/athlete produces a cadence greater than the theoretical value (Watt expressed are over the average). On the contrary, in the steps No 3, 5 and 7 of increase of Newton (where a balance in terms of RPM is requested), the ideal cadence is rather below the theoretical value, with a consequent loss of Power. So, the MD Coach will develop a training strategy for the user/athlete by performing of time trial Newton, where the values of Newton and RPM will be set by the MD Coach. This exercise is not considered as a test but is a real workout. We’ll talk about it in the next and last article of MagneticDays Training Philosophy.
It has to be said: MagneticDays is more than a smart trainer!
After having developed the first Indoor Training System based on scientific approach (which is improved and increasingly accurate with the rapid progress of technology), we are happy to introduce the new release (2.1.1) of MD WiFi App (available for iOS and Android) that allows to satisfy the playful aspect of Indoor Cycling also, improving a unique offer from a technical and qualitative point of view (HTT Methodology) and mixing our high quality workouts with fun.
This release offers to all of users/athletes the real possibility to “replicate the effort” (Watt) required in a specific part of any cycle route. The necessary Data needed for work costantly into the “Phisical formula” (that calculates the effort) are: Rider and Bicycle Weight, Cogset, Cassette and Wheel Circumference. These values must be insert in the section named Settings – My Account of MD WiFi App, before to start the workout.
Virtual Gear by MagneticDays
Here’s a focus on 2 important values of the Virtual Gear.
Rider and Bicycle Weight ? This value is different from that used for HTT and it’s not important for the purposes of HTT Methodology, but all the users/athletes can be change this value as they like, pedalling in different physical conditions compared to the current one and imagining how the sensations and efforts would be different in terms of Weight.
Personalization of Cogset and Cassette ? All the users/athletes will can choose their favorite virtual gear ratio selecting the buttons +/- for chainring (to the left) and cog (to the right), the real innovation of the release. It will also possible to control the virtual gear throught the dual optical remote control.
This amazing innovation (the first in the world of Indoor Cycling) allows to the JARVIS System to have at disposal the right Data in order to supply the exact physiological response (in terms of Watt) to the technical gesture conducted by the user/athlete in real time. Furthermore, it is also possible to set the value of Slope (%) of the route/workout (RED for climb and GREEN for downhill).
Zwift Compatibility
Zwift is a massively multiplayer online cycling and running game and training program that enables users to interact, train and compete in a virtual world. With the new release 2.1.1 of MD WiFi App, MagneticDays becomes the first Indoor Training System able to mix a high quality workout with fun. JARVIS System already communicate directly with Zwift, and from today the connection is in a new way if Track Resistance mode is on. The best condition is that to use Zwift with your PC (JARVIS have the ANT+ aerial for PC as standard equipment) and the MD WiFi App installed on your tablet or smartphone.
And last but not least, the possibility to “ride” on JARVIS System the most famous cycle route in the world (or your personal cycle route) as .tcx or .gpx file imported on own personal profile of our Website These cycle routes will be available to the MD users/athletes in the near future and published on our Website (section named Self Managed Workouts and Routes) where are already available a few cycle routes (free download). The Virtual Gear Handbook MD WiFi App 2.1.1 is available as .pdf file here.
In the last article about the MagneticDays Training Philosophy we have talked about how to increase Bike Power (the great innovation about our Indoor Training System) working with the two fundamental components of “Power data”: RPM (Revolution Per Minute) and Force (Newton Per Meters), and how it is absolutely necessary to determine the specific physiological values for each athlete before to write a custom built training.
The HTT Methodology represent the most scientific built training programs that are currently possible and it starts with the incremental exercise test. Everything is based on a first briefing session with a MD Coach, where the user/client defines own goals. Second step is the start of evaluation of athletic training form in order to understand the real physiological parameters of the user/athlete. Third step is represented by the first 6 built training programs (duration: 60 minutes for each) that are different from each other. The last part of these programs includes additional parameters that allow to create next workouts.
Generally, the last part of workout No 6 is represented by a test that allows to understand the efficacy of the previous workouts and their effects on physiological values of the athlete, giving informations (and new data) to MD Coach in order to write new built (and calibrated) training programs.
Incremental Test is the first approach with MagneticDays
Our incremental test protocol (made in collaboration with a few Italian Universities) starts from a value in the amount of 50% of own reference value. MD System improves the Power of 1 Watt per 6 seconds with RPM free. This test ends when the user/athlete has reached maximum effort and therefore cannot proceed further with the test.
The first evaluation by MagneticDays is to observe the natural cadence for each user/athlete. What does it mean? The first important thing for us is to know the natural cycling cadence, in order to optimize the pedalling technique and efficiency for each user/athlete. For this reason, this protocol represent the right compromise between accuracy and execution times. Another right protocol (even more accurate than this) is represented by 1 Watt per 8 seconds, but the execution times are too long.
The incremental test protocol gives exact data on:
- Watt produced by user/athlete at Threshold
- Physiological features on the basis of the natural balance between RPM and Newton
- Average RPM produced by user/athlete from a value in the amount of 50% of own reference value up to the Threshold and over
- Average RPM at over the Threshold
As already mentioned above, the last part of workout No 6 is represented by this test that allows to understand the efficacy of the previous workouts and their effects on physiological values of the athlete, giving informations (and new data) to MD Coach in order to write new built (and calibrated) training programs. But this test is totally different if compared to the last part of workout No 12 (sustainable power) if the user/client chooses to continue with the HTT Methodology.
Having at disposal more data about the user/athlete, the MD Coach will set a typology of workout named “Time Trial Distance” (more fun than classic Time Trial) with a duration of 30 minutes.
Incremental test is more accurate with MagneticDays
With our Indoor Training System we can always refer to the same state (measuring all the parameters that we need to know) having always the same benchmark, a work condition that is impossible to reproduce outdoor where everything is constantly changing (read more here). One of the advantages of our System is to have at disposal a “high precision virtual gear” (buttons control for PC or */- signs for App WiFi) that allows to make changes in terms of 0,5 Newton to find the best effort during the test (0,5 Newton at 80 RPM are equal to 4 watt). So this virtual gear is 10 time more accuracy than a classic gear, where the change of one of the gear’s teeth is equal to a variation of 40 Watt with a consequent low quality in terms of determination of the exact “physiological cycling cadence” of the user/athlete. From the average between Newton and RPM, the MD Coach can observe the right data to set the next test named “Time Trial Newton”.. but we will talk about this in the next article! 😉
Physics and evolution of cycling simulator were the key concepts of the introduction of MagneticDays Training Philosophy. With this third article, you can start to understand the great innovation about our indoor training system. Considering that we have at disposal the Jarvis indoor training system (an instrument with high accuracy and precision), we can always refer to the same state having always the same benchmark, a work condition that is impossible to reproduce outdoor where everything is constantly changing.
How to increase Bike Power – introduction
Having the right data at our disposal (always the same and measurable), the new challenge by MagneticDays was to separate the “Power data” in its two fundamental components: RPM (Revolution Per Minute) and Force (Newton Per Meters). What is the Power? In physics, power is the rate of doing work, the amount of energy transferred per unit time. In the International System of Units, the unit of power is the joule per second (J/s), known as the Watt (W). When an object’s velocity is held constant at one meter per second against a constant opposing force of one newton, the rate at which work is done is 1 watt.
The force applied to the pedal in our Indoor Cycling System (originated from the magnetic brake) includes all the forces that we can perceive outdoor like wind, friction, dynamic resistance and all those factors that can change continuosly “forcing” body to adapt itself over and over again in order to find the optimal balance. Considering that Jarvis is not an ordinary smart trainer but a scientific and cycling lab where is possible to work entirely on the body of each athlete, we can control the physiological respones to training going to control the factors affecting Power.
How to increase Bike Power
In the first article about our Training Philosophy, we had explained how using either the MagneticDays or any other Indoor Training System that use a resistance produced by permanent magnets (taking advantage from the Lorentz force) or dynamic resistance (produced by brakes), we are always in a phiysical condition of “flat terrain in the absence of wind.” Considering this “Physical state”, the scientific literature suggests how the best cycling cadence to optimize the pedalling technique and efficiency is at approximately 90 RPM. For example: Mario, Eric and Luke are three guys and athletes who have apparently the same perfomance::
Mario: 250 Watt (threshold heart rate) originated from 30 Newton and 80 RPM
Eric: 250 Watt (threshold heart rate) originated from 23 Netwon and 96 RPM
Luke: 250 Watt (threshold heart rate) originated from 27 Newton and 88 RPM
This situation represent three levels of Power exactly the same but determinated by three completely different feautures. Supposing that the values of thresold heart rate and RPM (for each athlete in training) are 250 Watt and 88 RPM, the specific training for Mario, Eric and Luke is Agility, Strenght and Neutral respectively.
Through our analysis we can confirm that we can help “Mario” to improve his cadence naturally cycling at 85 RPM (starting from a value of 80 RPM) and improving his threshold heart rate from 250 to 265 Watt (if force is equal, 1 RPM is equal to 3 Watt). Among other things, Mario represents (as physiological features) more than 80% of not professional cyclists.
With this example we want to explain two important things:
- Before to write a custom built training, is absolutely necessary to determine the specific physiological values for each athlete;
- Having at disposal a scientific instrument as MagneticDays, is possible to work finely on specific parameters as Watt, Newton and RPM, influencing the physical characteristics of the athletes.
Let’s go back to talking about the MagneticDays training philosophy in this second article on blog. A few days ago we introduced the first topic about what was the physical environment in which we could to be able to work with our indoor training system born as MD425 (as a first step) and subsequently evolved in Jarvis. Considering that using either the MagneticDays or any other Indoor Training System that use a resistance produced by permanent magnets (taking advantage from the Lorentz force) or dynamic resistance (produced by brakes), we are always in a phiysical condition of “flat terrain in the absence of wind” (this situation represent our work area), we have had the intuition to transform this training system into a true “cycling lab” with which improve the physical and mental wellness and cycling performance for each user. There was an evolution of the concept of cycling simulator as it was known until a few years ago, considering that this concept did not improved the quality of training from the physical point of view.
Having said this, even if our work area is always that of “flat terrain in the absence of wind”, is also true that we have at disposal the Jarvis indoor training system (an instrument with high accuracy and precision), then we can always refer to the same state (measuring all the parameters that we need to know) having always the same benchmark, a work condition that is impossible to reproduce outdoor where everything is constantly changing.
Our indoor training phylosophy was born from this new concept, in order to change the classic vision of smart trainer into a training system with an high levels of performance. From cycling simulator to cycling lab where is possible to work entirely on the body of each athlete, having at our disposal all his reference parameters that are clear and measurable by a scientific approach. All of this clearly represents a new range of action and test in the cycling world, where a scientific approach (applied to a reliable system) represents a new start point in the indoor training field.
How is born the MagneticDays training philosophy? It all started five years ago when we wanted to understand in more depth what was the physical environment in which we could to be able to work with our indoor training system, also thanks to the help of the considerations made in collaboration with a physicist of the University of Pisa (Tuscany). One of the first things we have determined (by physical formula) is that using either the MagneticDays or any other Indoor Training System that use a resistance produced by permanent magnets (taking advantage from the Lorentz force) or dynamic resistance (produced by brakes), we are always in a phiysical condition of “flat terrain in the absence of wind.”
Whats does it mean? The physiological responses of those who pedal on these systems are equal to a flat terrain condition in the absence of wind. So, when it comes to climb or downhill simulation (or anything else), it’s not true.
On the road, in a flat terrain condition in the absence of wind (like MagneticDays) and independently from the others measurable values, the key factor that determines the dynamic resistance is given by v2 (dynamic resistance is proportional to velocity squared). What then arose in practice is that with the use of our magnetic braking system we are able to reproduce the condition of air resistance.
Instead, when you cycle uphill the gravity affects for v, therefore the total value of dynamic resistance (in the physical formula) must include the condition v2 + v, a physical enviroment that is not repeatable in an indoor training situation with these typology of these smart trainers (that consider only v2).
Why this introduction? Because we want to tell you about the evolution of a product that has found its complete growth during these first five years, through reproducible results that were tested by all those who (pro athletes and amateurs of triathlon, cycling, mountain biking and handbike) have chosen MagneticDays for their physical and mental wellness! 😉