Heart Rate Variability analysis is the MagneticDays Christmas Special Gift 2022
17 December 2022From today (saturday 17th of december) the MagneticDays Christmas Special Gift 2022 is available for all MD clients. The 7 AUTOTESTS present by default in each MD personal account will also include the Heart Rate Variability analysis, one of our latest techincal innovations available with the 3.2.0 release of the MagneticDays App. The HR Variability analysis introduces the reading of another useful parameter for both the athlete and the coach. Through the heart rate, in fact, we can understand how much the training has weighed with respect to the external load (Watts expressed).
“Adding the heart rate variability analysis in indoor training with JARVIS smart trainer MagneticDays – explains MD Coach Luca Bianchini – allows you to have an additional evaluation tool on monitoring training and on controlling the athlete’s recovery. The post-training analysis allows you to identify other parameters such as respiratory frequency and / or quantification of the internal load“.
“As always – explains the MD CEO Marco Sbragi – we want to give a special technical gift to our customers, in line with the MagneticDays training philosophy. This year’s gift is so special, because the heart rate variability analysis function is included by default for all HTT workouts. But it’s only valid once. In all other cases (repetition of the same HTT workout, self-managed or self-calibrating workout, own workout or workout received from other Coaches), it’s available after purchasing a specific package of 20 analyzes from the online shop for €25. That’s why we decided to give the possibility to try the heart rate variability analysis until the end of April 2023. Our customers always deserve the best”.