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Plug In Framework 1
Plug In Framework 1
PLUG-IN Incremental Power Test


PLUG-IN Framework


The MagneticDays Framework plug-in* allows you to unlock the ability to write training “skeletons” (framework) and enter basic values (Watt, Newton and RPM) in the form of percentages or offset values ​​with respect to a threshold value. This way the same workout can be recalculated each time simply by changing the threshold value, without having to modify all other values ​​of each step.

*This plug-in is independent from all the other add-ons that can be purchased; therefore it does not include the possibility of unlocking all the other features offered by the MagneticDays writing tool.

Note: to access the plug-in and use the “Create MD Workout” function you need to have a free account on the MagneticDays website. Register here!